This page is part of the The Incomplete Guide to Financial Aid for Singaporeans.
General information
- Assistantships
- What are they: assistantships are a specific form of employment offered by many to students. There are two very general categories of assistantships:
- Research assistantships (RA): responsibilities center around helping a faculty member on specific research projects.
- Teaching assistantships (TA): responsibilities could be any combination of: grading homework, teaching classes, holding office hours for student consultation, writing and grading exams, various administrative tasks, etc.
- Who is eligible: Varies. In general, assistantships can be expected for students in a Ph.D. program of study in the humanities, social sciences, engineering, mathematics and physical sciences.
- How much you could get: Varies. Part or all expenses a typical student may incur while enrolled in a full-time course of study. Often assistantships come with tuition waivers.
- At some major research universities, undergraduates can get research assistantships too. These usually pay $10-$15/hr, and usually do not come with tuition waivers.
- What are they: assistantships are a specific form of employment offered by many to students. There are two very general categories of assistantships:
- Resident Assistants (also known as Resident Advisors, House Fellows, and other job titles)
- One of the highest-paying jobs an undergraduate can get, and one of the heaviest in terms of time.
- You live in a dormitory with other students, but it's your job to take care of them, act as mentor/advisor and still enforce university policy. Essentially, you live where you work, so you're never really off duty.
- You usually get free room and possibly free food too, plus possibly a small stipend. Varies from university to university.
- Graduates may be able to apply for this job. Sometimes there are graduate (and higher-paying) versions of this job, where you supervise a team of RAs.
Graduate - Nationwide Programs
- Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation and The Charlotte W. Newcombe Foundation, Charlotte W. Newcombe Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship
- Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation Dissertation Fellowship
- Who is eligible: Final-year Ph.D. students who are writing up their dissertations in “natural and social sciences and the humanities that promise to increase understanding of the causes, manifestations, and control of violence, aggression, and dominance.”
- How much you could get: $15,000.
- How to apply: See website.
- Jack Kent Cooke Graduate Scholarship
- Who is eligible: Graduating senior undergraduates currently enrolled at a US institution.
- How much you could get: Up to $50,000 per year for up to six years.
- How to apply: Interested students must be nominated by approved Faculty Representatives.
- U. S. Embassy Singapore, Fulbright Program in Singapore
- Who is eligible: Singaporeans applying for one-year master’s programs in the US for certain programs in the social sciences, humanities or applied sciences.
- How to apply: write or email the Embassy directly to indicate interest. The 2007 deadline is 2007-05-04
- Josephine de Kármán Fellowship
- How much you can get: $16,000 for one year. Must defend your dissertation within that year.
- Who is eligible: Doctoral students who will be defending their thesis in the next academic year.
- How to apply: Application forms and instructions are available on their website.
- Chinese-American Engineers and Scientists Association of Southern California Scholarships
- How much you can get: $500 to $1,000.
- Who is eligible: Undergraduates or graduate students at a U.S. institution. Need not be of Chinese descent or be in a science/engineering field.
Graduate - Programs by School
- University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- Maria Pia Gratton Award - $2,500/semester with tuition waiver, female graduate students only
- Avery Brundage Scholarship - "for students who demonstrate excellence both in academic pursuits and in amateur athletic endeavors. Financial need is not a factor." Apply in person.
Graduate - Programs by Field
- Microsoft Research Redmond Lab Fellowship
- How much you can get: tuition and fees, plus $20,000 stipend and $2,000 travel allowance, Tablet PC, and internship for up to two years.
- Who is eligible: Ph.D. students completing their second or third year, majoring in computer science, electrical engineering or mathematics.
- How to apply: you must be nominated by your department chair or by certain Microsoft employees.
- Google: Anita Borg Scholarship
- How much you can get: up to $10,000.
- Who is eligible: female students beginning graduate school at a U.S. university pursuing computer-related majors and with good GPAs.
- How to apply: see website.
- Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR) - Mellon Fellowships for Dissertation Research in Original Sources
- Who is eligible: graduate students in humanities and related social-science fields
- How much you can get: up to $20,000
- How to apply: see website.
- Tau Beta Pi Fellowships
- Who is eligible: members of Tau Beta Pi beginning graduate school in any engineering program
- How much you can get: $10,000
- How to apply: see website.
Postdoctoral - Nationwide Programs
Undergraduate - Nationwide Programs
- Google: Anita Borg Scholarship
- How much you can get: up to $10,000.
- Who is eligible: female senior undergraduates at a U.S. university pursuing computer-related majors and with good GPAs.
- How to apply: see website.
- Josephine de Kármán Fellowship
- How much you can get: $8,000 for senior undergraduate year.
- Who is eligible: Undergraduates already enrolled in a U.S. institution who are entering senior year. Special consideration will be given to students in the humanities.
- How to apply: Application forms and instructions are available on their website.
- Freeman ASSIST Program from the Institute for International Education
- What is it: Provides funding for summer internships (8-12 weeks) in nonprofit organizations.
- Who is eligible: Undergraduates in a U.S. institution of eligible nationalities (including Singaporeans) who are interested in summer internships (8-12 weeks) in nonprofit organizations.
- How much you can get: $3,000 - $4,500. Details on their website.
- How to apply: on their website. 2007 deadline is April 13.
- Alexander Graham Bell Association for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing College Scholarship Awards - $10,000 if you meet their criteria for hearing loss.
Undergraduate - Programs by School
- Schools offering needs-blind admissions to international students: these schools admit students regardless of their ability to pay, and will give scholarships and various forms of aid to students who can’t afford it. Of such schools, only a select few offer need-blind admissions to international students. Currently, these schools are :
- Amherst College (article here)
- Dartmouth College (starting 08/09: news here)
- Harvard University
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Princeton University
- Yale University
- Boston University - Merit Scholarships
- Trustee Scholarship - a four-year, full tuition and mandatory expenses scholarship, open to international students. Applicants must be nominated by their principal or headmaster. Nomination forms are available on the BU website.
- University Scholarship - a four-year, half-tuition scholarship that is open to international students.
- Engineering Scholarship - a four year, half-tuition scholarship for students applying to the College of Engineering, open to international students.
- Brandeis University - Wien International Scholarship
- Carleton College offers a wide variety of scholarships for international students.
- Starr Scholarship - a scholarship specifically for students from Asia which pays for all tuition, fees, health insurance, room and board, and two return air tickets.
- Kellogg Scholarship - provides assistance to non-U.S. citizens who are not permanent residents toward their expenses at Carleton.
- George Scholarship - for students from developing nations who demonstrate financial need and exceptional academic potential and promise.
- Nason Scholarship - a need-based scholarship specifically for Singaporeans which pays for all tuition, fees, health insurance, room and board.
- Duke University - the Office of Undergraduate Scholars and Fellows offers various scholarships, including:
- Angier B. Duke Memorial Scholarship - Duke's oldest scholarship, offered to 18-20 students worldwide for exceptional academics and great promise in their chosen field of endeavor (usually academic). Covers everything, plus up to $5000 in funding for your own interests/projects, and one summer school session in Oxford. Finalists will be flown to Duke for an interview. 5 Singaporeans won this between 2002-2003, but none since then till 2008. You cannot apply specifically for this; all outstanding applications to Duke are auotmatically considered.
- Robertson Scholars Program - Offered to 18-20 students worldwide for good academics, exceptional leadership and community service. Full-ride as well. Scholars spend one semester studying at neighboring UNC-Chapel Hill. You can apply specifically for this scholarship as part of your application to Duke.
- NOTE: 18-20 applicants to UNC-Chapel Hill also win this. Award amount is roughly the same. They spend one semester studying at Duke.
- University Scholars Program - ~8 a year. Scholarship to promote interdisciplinarity. Covers everything.
- Georgia Tech
- Thomas L. Gossage International Scholarship - for an incoming freshman in chemical and biomolecular engineering, will pay 50% of all expenses. See news release.
- Thomas L. Gossage International Scholarship - for an incoming freshman in chemical and biomolecular engineering, will pay 50% of all expenses. See news release.
- Johns Hopkins University - Merit-Based Scholarships
- Johns Hopkins International Student Scholarships - need-based and merit-based scholarship for incoming freshmen. Renewable with 3.0 GPA.
- Hodson Trust Scholarship - up to $23,000.
- Charles R. Westgate Scholarship in Engineering - full tuition and stipend for four years for engineering majors. See brochure [pdf] for more information.
- Rice University - Merit Scholarships
- All admitted freshmen are automatically considered for these merit-based scholarships.
- All admitted freshmen are automatically considered for these merit-based scholarships.
- Susquehanna University - International Student Tuition Scholarships - full tuition for four years in any discipline.
- University of Colorado at Boulder - International Student Funding Possibilities
- CU- Boulder offers the following partial scholarships for international students: The Chancellor’s Achievement Scholarship, The Norlin Scholars Program, The Presidents Leadership Class, and Athletic and Music Scholarships. More information in the link above.
- University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign - eligible students will be automatically considered for most awards and scholarships at the departmental and college levels.
- The department of computer science has a list of scholarships and awards, some of which do not have citizenship or residency requirements.
- Avery Brundage Scholarship - "for students who demonstrate excellence both in academic pursuits and in amateur athletic endeavors. Financial need is not a factor." Apply in person.
- University of Michigan at Ann Arbor - The Sydney J. and Irene Shipman Scholarship
- How much you could get: about $12,000 annually for tuition, plus room and board if you choose to live in the residence halls. Semi-finalists get $6,000 annually.
- Who is eligible: All successful applicants to the University of Michigan. Exceptional applicants will be nominated during the admissions process.
- University of Michigan at Ann Arbor - Department of Mathematics
- M.S. Keeler Department of Mathematics Merit Scholarships
- How much you could get: $1,000 to $5,000 per year for up to four years of study.
- Who is eligible: Mathematics majors only. May major in a second (or even third) subject.
- How to apply: Applications are available at the Department of Mathematics website. Due on the first weekday of every May.
- Alumni Scholarships
- How much you could get: $1,000 to $5,000 per year .
- Every year, the Department awards these scholarships at their discretion to outstanding students in the mathematics program.
- M.S. Keeler Department of Mathematics Merit Scholarships
- University of Michigan at Ann Arbor - Department of Physics
- Cornwell Prize for Undergraduates
- How much you could get: $5,000.
- Who is eligible: Graduating seniors who are declared physics majors, have been involved in research as an undergraduate, and plan to be enrolling in a graduate program within a year from graduation.
- How to apply: Directly to the Department.
- Frank Sevcik Faculty Award in Physics
- How much you could get: $1,000.
- Who is eligible: International students who are declared physics majors.
- How to apply: Directly to the Department.
- William L. Williams Award
- How much you could get: $3,000.
- Who is eligible: Graduating physics majors.
- How to apply: Submit a thesis.
- Research Assistantships: The Department of Physics offers paid research assistantships to undergraduates. In 2006, the pay was $11/hour.
- Cornwell Prize for Undergraduates
- University of Virginia (UVa) - The Jefferson Scholars' Program
- Full ride scholarship
- Purely merit-based, awarded to about 35 applicants per year.
- University of Southern California - Merit-Based Scholarships for Entering Undergraduates
- USC offers various merit-based scholarships. International students can apply to or will be considered for many of them. The most notable scholarships are the Trustee (full tuition), Presidential (half-tuition), International Freshman Academic (half-tuition) and Dean (quarter-tuition). More information is available in the link above.
- Washington University St. Louis - Merit-based Scholarships
- International students can apply for all scholarships except the John B. Ervin scholarships.
- International students can apply for all scholarships except the John B. Ervin scholarships.
- Wesleyan College - Wesleyan Freeman Asian Scholars Program 2006-2007
- How much you could get: all expenses for a 4-year program of study at Wesleyan College.
- Last accessed: 2007-03-12.
Undergraduate - Programs by Course
- Tau Beta Pi Scholarships
- Who is eligible: undergraduate seniors who are members of Tau Beta Pi and pursuing their final year in an engineering program
- How much you can get: $2,000
- How to apply: see website.
Other Resources
- UIUC Graduate College - Fellowship opportunities for international students
- IRIS (Illinois Researcher Information Service)
- What it is: a database for scholarships, financial aid, awards and other funding opportunities for students and researchers.
- Who is eligible: Students currently enrolled in a subscribing institution may access the database.
- Cornell Graduate School Fellowship Database.
- What it is: a database for scholarships, financial aid, awards and other funding opportunities for students and researchers.
- educationUSA - Financial Assistance Guide
- What it is: a resource from the US Department of State with information for international students about financing prospects for a US course of study.
- eduPASS
- What it is: a comprehensive website for international students planning to study in the US at the undergraduate or graduate level. Has information on scholarships, awards and student loans.
- FastWeb
- What it is: a free scholarship search engine.
- Financing Your Education in the United States
- What it is: a guide to financing an American education, written by the Office of International Student and Scholar Services at the University of Colorado, Boulder.
- International Financial Aid Blog
- What it is: “A blog for information, advice, updates and thoughts on funding an international education — for international students that want to study in the US, as well as US students that want to study abroad.”
- What it is: a free scholarship search engine for international students.
- International Student: International Financial Aid Finder and Study Abroad Resource Center - Schools Awarding Financial Aid
- What it is: a comprehensive list of schools that have been known to offer financial aid to international students.
- What it is: a clearinghouse for loans for international students. Must have US or Canadian co-signer.
- Ang Zhuu Ming, Towards University: Education and Scholarships in an Asian Perspective - Singapore Category
- What it is: A blog dedicated to news for scholarship opportunities for Singaporeans
- Last accessed: 2007-03-12.
- e pur si muove forum: Special Topic - Singaporeans Studying Overseas
- What it is: may contain threads with useful funding information.
- Kevin Heng, “Applying to Graduate School (For Singaporeans)”
- What it is: general information for applying to graduate school, with mention of how acceptances may come with funding information.
- Hat tip: Fox.
- Last accessed: 2007-03-12.
- Kevin Lim, “LifeStory: My alternative to Singapore scholarships…”
- What it is: a blog post accounting a Singaporean’s experience of looking for funding. Comments also have useful information.
- Created: 2005-12-12, Last accessed: 2007-03-12.
- l’oiseau rebelle, “Degree Duration”
- What it is: a blog post discussing the merits of completing non-major course credits at a nearby community college instead of one’s major institution.
- Created: 2006-01-06, Last accessed: 2007-03-12.
- Melvin Leok, “College Advice”
- What it is: a concise list of scholarships, both bond-free and bonded, available to Singaporeans for study in Singapore and overseas.
- oikono, "So You Are Applying to Huntsman/ Wharton/ Penn"
- Advice written for a prospective Huntsman student, from a current student at the University of Pennsylvania.
- Advice written for a prospective Huntsman student, from a current student at the University of Pennsylvania.
- Diversity Visa Program
- Possibly the only lottery where the expectation is greater than zero. 50,000 U.S. permanent resident visas are given annually, randomly drawn from the entries. The application forms are ridiculously easy to complete.
- An important note: When if your name is drawn from the pool, to actually receive the visa, you must fulfill one of the following criteria - (1) a letter of sponsorship by a U.S. citizen or permanent resident, (2) US$60,000 in a U.S. bank account (as of 2006), or (3) a job that pays an annual wage that is above the federal poverty wage (in 2006, this was $13,000 a year for a single without dependents).