This page is part of the The Incomplete Guide to Financial Aid for Singaporeans.
Graduate - General Information
- Many reputable masters’ programs in science and engineering come with funding offers.
- Varies from Can$28k - Can$36k a year, depending on province & individual circumstances.
- After all deductions, monthly pay varies between Can$1500-Can$2000.
- Additional NSERC funding is available if you obtain Landed Immigrant status.
Graduate - Nationwide or By Province
- Ontario Graduate Scholarship (OGS) Program
- Who is eligible: Masters or doctoral students enrolled at participating institutions in Ontario.
- How much you can get: C$5,000 a term for up to 3 terms in an academic year
- How to apply: see website.
Graduate - By Program of Study
- Microsoft Research Redmond Lab Fellowship
- How much you can get: tuition and fees, plus $20,000 stipend and $2,000 travel allowance, Tablet PC, and internship for up to two years.
- Who is eligible: Ph.D. students completing their second or third year, majoring in computer science, electrical engineering or mathematics.
- How to apply: you must be nominated by your department chair or by certain Microsoft employees.
Graduate - By School
- (No information available at this time.)
Undergraduate - Nationwide
- (No information available at this time.)
Undergraduate - By Program of Study
- (No information available at this time.)
Undergraduate - By School
- (No information available at this time.)