This page is part of the The Incomplete Guide to Financial Aid for Singaporeans.


  • Loke Cheng-Kim Foundation Scholarship
    • Who is eligible: Applicants should be Singapore citizens or Permanent Residents with outstanding scholastic achievements and a good record of extra curricular activities and should not be current holders of other scholarship awards or grants.
    • How much you can get: Annual value will cover tuition fee, approved college fee, apparatus and book allowance, laboratory and examination fees, initial clothing allowance, maintenance allowance and MDP return air fares and is tenable for the whole undergraduate course of study leading to a first degree.
    • How to apply: Applications must be made on prescribed forms. You can get these forms from the address below:
      The Secretary
      The Loke Cheng-Kim Foundation
      c/o Tricor Singapore Pte Ltd
      8 Cross Street #11-00 PWC Building
      Singapore 048424


  • IBM Ph.D. Fellowship Program
    • How much you can get: tuition, fees and stipend for a nine-month academic year, plus internship at IBM for up to three years
    • Who is eligible: Ph.D. students majoring in fields relevant to IBM. Must have completed at least one year of graduate school.
    • How to apply: You must be nominated by a faculty member.
  • University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, College of Fine and Applied Arts - Kate Neal Kinley Memorial Fellowships [pdf]
    • Who is eligible: graduates from UIUC or comparable institutions in the fine arts, particularly Architecture, Art, Dance, Landscape Architecture, Music, Theatre, or Urban and Regional Planning. See brochure [pdf] for details.
    • How much you can get: up to $22,000 for one year of study anywhere.
    • How to apply: see brochure [pdf].
  • Yahoo! Ph.D. Student Fellowship Program
    • How much you can get: tuition, fees and stipend for up to three years.
    • Who is eligible: Ph.D. students who have completed at least one year of graduate school. See website for details. You must be nominated by your academic advisor.
    • How to apply: By email. See website for details.
  • Tan Kah Kee Postgraduate Scholarship
    • How much you can get: S$10,000, for one year, for study in an overseas institution.
    • Who is eligible: Singaporean citizens and PRs who are attending a full-times masters or doctoral program in any discipline.
    • How to apply: Application and instructions are on their website. The application is open in May each year.
  • Lee Kuan Yew Scholarships
    • How much you can get: S$10,000 plus annual allowance of up to S$50,000. The monetary award may be reduced if you already have other sources of funding.
    • Who is eligible: Singapore citizens who are enrolled in a masters or doctoral program.